Hello to our
staff member

It is time to explore a new management and service platform for your dining business.

DreamDiner Prep ("Preparation")-App

Any listed Staff Member can enter the application to perform advanced order management tasks

The Kitchen App is where all your client orders are loaded and displayed. The Mainboard display can show all items and orders under the “Main Kitchen” terminal – or just the related items linked to a custom terminal you have entered – such as “Grill”, “Salad Preparations”, etc. Place a Kitchen App in every kitchen terminal, and set the display selector accordingly. Your ordered items are now displayed just where they are meant to be prepared in your kitchen: an ordered cocktail will then show only in the app terminal set to “Bar” – and the Home Burger in the “Grill” terminal, etc. Drag & drop or click on any item or order palette to shift it ahead – from the “Ordered” state to “In preparation”, then “Ready” – and finally “Delivered”. Conducting a neat and accurate preparation process is the worthwhile goal of this app. Your assigned kitchen staff members can log in and enjoy an efficient preparation work experience!

Here is a quick flow of how to set up and get the most out of the DPA app

  • Step 1: Kitchen Stations

    In the admin dashboard, head to Overview > Stations (Terminals) and open your stations as needed. A kitchen station ("Terminal") is a designated area where a certain type of food is prepared, such as a Grill, an indoor Bar, Salad Preparations, etc.

  • Step 2: Assign Items

    After setting up your stations, go to your items and assign each one to the appropriate station. For example, assign "Home Burger" to the "Grill" station and "Party Cocktail" to the "Bar" station. This way, the cocktail will appear only on the app at the "Bar" station, and the "Home Burger" will be displayed on the "Grill" terminal. Each station's app will only show its relevant assigned items.

  • Step 3: Staff members

    To add a staff member who is able to access the DPA app, navigate to Overview > Kitchen Staff in the admin dashboard. This will ensure that only assigned staff members will be eligible to enter the app. For each staff member, include a mobile number, which will serve as their username for the app. Additionally, you can optionally set a designated station terminal for each staff member.

  • (Optional) WhatsApp Invitations

    In the admin dashboard, head to the "Staff & Apps" card: Here you can see all your assigned staff members, and send them a friendly WhatsApp invitation message, notifying them of their assignment and providing a link for them to download the app directly from Google Play

  • Step 4: Set apps in stations

    Now, you can place a DPA App on each terminal and set the terminal selector accordingly, so that our ordered items are displayed in the appropriate kitchen preparation area. This way, your bartender can set it to the "Bar" station and see and prepare only the relevant items assigned to his station.

  • Remember!

    Kitchen stations are unlimited! 

    Main Kitchen Terminal is a system default and holds by default all station items ordered.

Promote preparation > by order

In the Orders View mode, you can see all current order palettes. You can move the order from "Ordered" (red) to "Preparation" (orange), and then to "Ready" (green). When the palette is in the "Ready" state, a purple button will appear. Tap it to move the order to today's archive, which means the order has been completely delivered to the client.

Mainboard > Tap the forward/backward arrows

In this view, all the order items are progressed to the next stage as a whole unit. The client app is updated accordingly.
Note: Backward is also possible.

Promote preparation > by items

In Items View mode, choose the appropriate preparation station ("Terminal") to display only the assigned items for efficient control (e.g., only drinks in the "Bar" station and only burgers in the "Grill" station).

In Items View mode, you can use the drag-and-drop feature to move an item from the left column ("Ordered") to the middle column ("Preparation") and then to the right column ("Ready"). When you move the item to the "Ready" column, the waiter is notified. Additionally, the item will also be updated in the client's tracker page simultaneously.

Mainboard > Topbar > View selector > Items

Note: 1. Tap on any item for more details. 2. Items with yellow background indicate that the client requested an option/extra/special for them.

Item refund

Any item can be refunded before the order is paid. The customer will receive a notification via a pop-up and a message.

Order palette > Tap the + icon > Order detailed page >  item palette > Refund icon

This feature is disabled if the order is paid.
An admin password is required

Item "On-the-House"

Any item can be declared as "On The House" (OTH) and, therefore, fully refunded before the order is paid. The client will be notified by a popup and a message

Order palette > Tap the + icon > Order detailed page >  item palette > Present icon

This feature is disabled if the order is paid.
An admin password is required