restauant, food-truck, bar,pub,coffee-shop

Some great news.

It's time to explore a new management and service platform for your dining business.

Meet DreamDiner.

DreamDiner is an out-of-the-box platform that enables any dining business to have a customizable digital menu with a friendly client-ordering system thereafter

Why DreamDiner?

Some cool advantages your might want to know

Saves Reduces Shrinks labor costs & time

Orders are submitted directly from customers to the preparation stations, requiring fewer waitstaff.

Completely customizable digitally real-time updates

No need for printed order slips; clients get notified upon preparation progress via WhatsApp.
An admin control dashboard is available to add items, modify categories, and customize the client app to your exact needs.

Real-time item updates price updates preparation tracking

Place a sale price for an item that must be sold, and delete an item from the menu if it is not available anymore… Bang! – The client app is updated immediately

Less preparation items forgotten to be prepared prepared incorrectly prepared twice = saves money

No client orders are prepared incorrectly, no orders are forgotten, and fewer orders are returned, leading to reduced product costs.

Explainer Clip

A brief video that explains the benefits of the system and highlights its main features

What you don't need...

There's no requirement to set up a website, an e-commerce platform, or change the current payment system in the business. Everything your business needs is here.

Showcase: ShowDiner App

ShowDiner is our showcase application, which is precisely what your business can look like

So, what's next?

To get your business fully functional in the DreamDiner system, here are our recommended steps:

  • Open your business

    Use a simple wizard to set up the basics, such as a few key items and relevant features needed to place a sample first-order

  • Congrats!

    Just created your basic business? It probably took you 15-20 minutes.

  • Onboarding

    A step-by-step onboarding tutorial will guide you through the process of familiarizing yourself with features that are only enabled after the creation of the business.

  • Test it! (Desktop)

    Make your first order on your desktop

  • Test it! (Mobile)

    Scan the generated QR code to make an order from any mobile device

  • Beautify and Enhance

    Your business deserves more! Take your time to set up the complete business with all your menu items and features perfectly tailored for your workflow.

  • Get Paid

    Enroll in our payment program to create the ideal experience for you and your customers.

Opening your business with DreamDiner

In just a few simple steps that will only take a few minutes, your business can be prepared to start receiving orders. Upon completion, you will receive a QR code. Simply scan it, and you can place your first order! Enjoy the benefit of the first 500 orders being free