New Version Released!
Table Planner
Easily Optimize Your Reservations & Seating plans
Welcome On Board
DreamDiners’ Table Planner is a collaboration tool that organizes and optimizes your restaurant table reservations.
Developed by Restaurateurs – for Restaurateurs!
With a smart algorithm in the cloud, and in one glance, the Planner will show you all reservations, on which tables, on which hour, and if any table is free…
The Table Planner is a cross-platform multi-device system running in the cloud that will robust your restaurant reservations control.
DreamDiner Table Planner is a collaboration tool that organizes and optimizes your restaurant table reservations.
Developed by Restaurateurs – for Restaurateurs!
The Table Planner is a cross-platform multi-device system running in the cloud that will robust your restaurant reservations control.
With a smart algorithm in the cloud, and in one glance, the Planner will show you all reservations, on which tables, on which hour, and if any table is free…
Version 3.0 has been released with new and exciting features: (Some features may apply on selected devices only)
– Flexible and personal daily activity hours setup
– Send custom WhatsApp confirmation reservation message to clients
– Combine tables option for big reservations
– Upgrade by adding Credits with In-App-Purchase: No subscriptions, no commitments
– Mark clients as VIP, or if NO SHOW, tag to Blacklist.
– Zoom In or Zoom Out the MainBoard to see all reservations at a glance
– Reservation history + CSV export
Enjoy the DreamDiner Table Planner experience!

Il gestore dei tavoli DreamDiner è uno strumento di collaborazione che organizza e ottimizza le prenotazioni dei tavoli al ristorante.
Sviluppato da ristoratori per i ristoratori!
Il gestore dei tavoli è un sistema multi-dispositivo e multipiattaforma, in funzione nel cloud, che potenzierà il controllo delle prenotazioni del ristorante.
Grazie a un algoritmo intelligente nel cloud, il gestore consente la visualizzazione complessiva di tutte le prenotazioni, dei tavoli prenotati, dell’orario e dei tavoli rimasti liberi…
La versione 3.0 è distribuita con nuove funzioni entusiasmanti: (alcune funzioni possono essere presenti solo su dispositivi selezionati)
– Impostazione flessibile e personale delle ore di attività giornaliere
– Invio ai clienti di un messaggio di conferma di prenotazione personalizzato tramite WhatsApp
– Opzione di abbinamento dei tavoli per grandi prenotazioni
– Esecuzione dell’upgrade aggiungendo crediti con acquisto integrato nell’applicazione: nessun abbonamento, nessun impegno
– Possibilità di contrassegnare i clienti come VIP o, in caso di MANCATA PRESENTAZIONE, di aggiungerli alla lista nera.
– Ingrandimento o riduzione del pannello principale per visualizzare complessivamente tutte le prenotazioni
– Cronologia delle prenotazioni + esportazione CSV
Goditi l’esperienza con il gestore dei tavoli DreamDiner!
È ora disponibile la versione in italiano dell’app!

“פלאנר” מתכנן השולחנות וההזמנות של דרימדיינר הוא כלי שיתופי בין מנהלי המסעדה והאחמ”שים ומטרתו לארגן ולייעל את ההזמנות במסעדה.
פותח על ידי מסעדנים – עבור מסעדנים
הפלאנר יכול לפעול על מספר מכשירים בו-זמנית (גם אנדרואיד וגם אפל) באופן שיתופי, כך שכולם יכולים גם לעדכן בו-זמנית וגם להיות מעודכנים בזמן אמת במצב ההזמנות.
בעזרת אלגוריתם חכם בענן, ובמבט אחד, המתכנן יראה לכם את כל ההזמנות, באילו שולחנות, באיזו שעה, ואם נשאר שולחן פנוי …

داة تخطيط الموائد DreamDiner عبارة عن أداة للتعاون تعمل على تنظيم حجوزات الموائد في مطعمك وتحسينها. ابتكار من أصحاب المطاعم لأصحاب المطاعم! أداة تخطيط الموائد عبارة عن نظام يتوافق مع مختلف أنظمة التشغيل ويعمل على أجهزة متعددة بتشغيل سحابي وسيعزز التحكم في حجوزات مطعمك. باستخدام خوارزمية ذكية في السحابة، وبلمحة واحدة، ستبين لك أداة التخطيط كل الحجوزات، والموائد المحجوزة، وساعة الحجز، وما إذا كانت هناك أي مائدة خالية… لقد تم إطلاق الإصدار 3.0 بميزات جديدة ومثيرة: (قد تسري بعض الميزات على أجهزة معينة فقط) – إعداد ساعات النشاط اليومية بشكل مرن ومخصص– إرسال رسالة مخصصة لتأكيد الحجز إلى العملاء عبر برنامج WhatsApp – خيار لدمج الموائد من أجل الحجوزات الكبيرة – الترقية عن طريق إضافة رصيد باستخدام الشراء من داخل التطبيق: لا توجد اشتراكات، لا توجد التزامات – وضع وسم على العملاء باعتبارهم شخصيات مهمة أو وضع علامة إضافة إلى قائمة الحظر في حالة عدم الحضور – تكبير أو تصغير للوحة الرئيسية لرؤية كل الحجوزات بلمحة سريعة – تاريخ الحجز + التصدير إلى ملف بصيغة CSV استمتع بتجربة أداة تخطيط الموائد DreamDiner! للاطلاع على مزيد من المعلومات، قم بزيارة الموقع
New Reservation
Reservation Update
One-Tap Reservation
Drag & Drop
Confirmation Messages
Mainboard Views
Activity Timetable
Waiting Lists
Wizard | Timezone | Table Order | Out-of-Activity Reservation Alert | Change Reservation date | Cloud Messaging | Email Verification | Waiting List | Preview Reservation |
Presenting Android Tablet App. Images may vary in upcoming app versions and device platforms.

Personalize Theme Color
Settings > Theme Color > Change to your favorite banner color that best matches the logo of your business

Table Setup
Settings > Table Management > Click Button: Change or Add Tables.
On the next screen, open as many tables as needed. Give each table a name (max. 4 characters), number of seats, and choose a color.

Weekly Activity Hours
One of the great features is that each business can customize the main board according to its weekly working hours.
Settings > Click Button: Daily Activity Hours Management.
On the next screen, choose your default, then assign each day: Default, Custom, All Day, or Closed. See advanced

Change Language Interface
Settings > App Interface Language > Change to your language. It might need an app restart (log out then log in back again).

Mainboard Display Defaults
Set the grid interval of the mainboard and the default reservation time.
Settings > MainBoard Display Defaults > set the default for the MainBoard columns and for the default reservation duration.

Personalize SMS & WhatsApp Message
Table Planner enables you to send your client a confirmation message for their reservation. The message includes a personal note from you (up to 160 characters), and the reservation details are automatically added to it.
Send an SMS from devices with no SIM card, or prefer WhatsApp from devices with SIM cards.
Set an English business name and compose your message. The client will see the senders’ name as your English business name.
Settings > SMS & WhatsApp Text Settings

Invite your Hosts
Admin can invite up to 5 hosts to share the mainboard and take reservations. Hosts can do everything… except making changes to your system “Settings” (Tables, Activity Hours, etc.).
Settings > Hosts Management > Click Button: Manage Hosts
On the next screen, add your Host email and name. Upon adding, the Host will receive a friendly welcome mail.
Value Features

Upgrading - Adding Credits
Table Planner offers a flexible upgrading model: Each reservation = 1 credit. Get as many credits as you need, pay as you go: No subscriptions, no commitments.
Ordering instantly with in-app purchase.
Open Drawer > see how many credits are left > choose the number of credits you need.
For special offers, contact us here.

Reservations History + CSV
Table Planner enables you to track your reservations and clients or download an easy-to-use CSV file.
Open Drawer > History > on the next page, sort all reservations by Name, Phone, Date, Remarks, etc.
Click the floating button on the bottom right corner to export yourself a CSV (Excel) file.
It is mostly recommended to do so from time to time to keep a backup of all your reservations.

Android / Apple Devices
Table Planner is a multi-platform system – so you can Share & Synchronize the mainboard between devices, whether you hold an Android or an Apple device.
Some features and UI may vary between Android and Apple versions.
Table Planner is good for most smartphones and best on tablets and iPads.
Download for Android here.
Download for Apple here.

Zoom-in / Zoom-out
By tapping the floating button on the bottom right corner – the mainboard can adjust the screen to zoom out to show all daily reservations at a glance.

Column Colors Indicators
Yellow – Indicates the current time.
Red – Indicates inactive hours as declared in the Weekly Activity Hours screen (business is closed). See also here

Reservations Sums
Vertical (right side) – sums the total guests per table. The current total daily guests expected is stated in the bottom right corner.
Horizontal (bottom) – sums the total guests per each column (i.e., per each time segment). This value can help you plan your staff according to the hourly activity expected.

Table sort
Each table has a color attribute, and accordingly, they can be displayed thus affecting the visibility of the reservations on the motherboard

New Reservation

Reservation color index
Blue – Reservation default
Red – Last reservation added to the mainboard
Green – reservation indicate visitors have arrived (tap reservation to EDIT page)

Reservations for days ahead
Click the date-picker in the top bar to select a date.
White background of date picker > today
Yellow background of date picker > any day other than today

Edit existing reservation
Tap any reservation to open the reservation data page.
Here you can:
– Change the data (back to the same page as New Reservation)
– Mark reservation as “Guests Arrived”
– Send a confirmation SMS or WhatsApp to the client (NOTE: enabled only if the reservation has a valid phone entered)

Special Remarks
Add a short remark to any reservation.
Remark icon will appear on reservation palette to indicate special attention

Tag Client as VIP
A client can be tagged as VIP (NOTE: enabled only if the reservation has a valid phone entered). A grail icon will be added to the reservation palette and will automatically light in future reservations for this client number

Tag Client as Blacklist
Contrary to VIP, a client can be tagged as BLACKLIST (NOTE: enabled only if the reservation has a valid phone entered). A warning icon will be added to the reservation palette and will automatically appear in future reservations for this client number

Marked Guest as "Arrived"
Tap a reservation palette to mark these guests as “Arrived” and the palette color will change accordingly.

Deleting a Reservation
A reservation can be deleted from the mainboard by tapping on the reservation > EDIT > Delete button.
Reservation will also be deleted from the History list.

One-Tap Reservation
New reservations made easily and quickly: tap any cell on mainboard – for which hour and which table – and the new reservation page will instantly open for these values, hense only needed to fill name and guests number to execute the reservation (phone and remarks are optional)

Combining Tables
Combining Tables is a powerful tool to gather tables for a single and big reservation that exceeds the maximum seats of a single table.
On the new reservation page > tap the Single Table to Combine Tables > and multi-select as many tables as needed. The total sum of seats will change and update accordingly. On the mainboard, a link icon will indicate that combined reservation.
Note: The system treats all combined reservations as the same reservation. Thus attempting to delete a single section will delete the whole reservation.

Activity Working Hours
Mainboard weekly working hours can be dynamically adjusted according to your specific business opening.
In Settings > go to Edit Weekly Activity Hours.
First, set in the top banner your Default hours, or select default as All Day (24 hr.).
You can open as many time segments per day as needed.
Then, select per each day of the week between one choice: the Default, a unique Custom Daily Segment, Closed (so mistakenly take no reservations for this day), or All Day.

Overwrite "Closed"
There might be situations in which the business is defined as “Closed” – but a big reservation is not an option you would like to miss. In these cases system will pop an alert – but enable you to decide whether decline this reservation or to take it and mark it even in the closed section zone
Main Features
Easy & Simple UI
Designed as a simple Spreadsheet – clear and simple – no need to be a tech expert. See all today’s’ reservations and tables plan at a glance.
Reservation Palette color changes for last reservation added and when marked as “Arrived”
Customize your own: Tables & Activity hours
Open as many tables as needed, change the Main Board working hours
Share & Synchronize between Devices
Go to: Settings > Add your hosts
Multiple users can share the data and update the main board in parallel
Real-time synchronization
Any new reservation will immediately be updated on all your users’ main boards
Go to: Google Play or Appstore and download the app. App will support any Android Device (incl. Tablets) and Apple devices (incl. iPads)
We recommend using Tablets and iPads.
Some features and functions may change and not be available on Apple devices.
Keep track of your clients and reservations: View all your reservations or download a friendly CSV file
Upcoming reservations
Go to: Top Bar > tap on date picker handles > select a new date to set reservations for days ahead
Staff Plan
Go to: Main Board > row and column summaries are indicated
Column summary will show total expected guests per each hour and each table
Send Client Confirmation SMS or WhatsApp
Edit your own message and Business name sender as well

New reservations – best matching
Go to: New Order
Open a new order and only available tables for this hour/#seats will be enabled to select
Duplicate a reservation
Actually, a solution for “combining tables” for large reservations
Preview new reservations
Explore available options before linking a table
Current Time Indicator
Lights the relevant time column on Main Board to focus on current reservations
"One-Tap Reservation"
Will instantly open a the new reservation page for this table and time